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Natural catastrophe in Kharagauli

8 June, 2019
Late last night in the Kharagauli municipality, the rivers Chkherimela and Legnhula flooded, due to the strong rain, causing damage to both municipal and private infrastructure in the villages of Khar ...

Disaster relief works

8 June, 2019
The damage caused by the disaster in Kharagauli is about one million GEL at this point, but that number may increase as the commission has not finally counted the damage. Along with the loss count, li ...

Europe Day in Tskaltubo

8 June, 2019
"We strengthen each other" with this name was celebrated Europe day in Tkaltubo. Territory near the hotel “argo” was transformed for one day in an European village and during the day the v ...

Cultural Routes Forum in Georgia

8 June, 2019
Cultural Routes Forum in Georgia  On 6 and 7 May, the Forum “Connecting Cultures-Shaping a Creative Future for Georgia and Europe” was held in Tbilisi (Georgia) organized by the ...