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The municipality of sachkhere – administrative –teritorial part in western Georgi – has separated from the  region since 1939 year.  From the north the municipality of sachkhere is boarded by oni and ambrolauri municipality, from the  east – java and kareli, from south – khashuri and  kharagauli and from the west by C hiatura municipality.

 The municipality contains 13 administration units.  These are Sachxere, Sareki, Cxomareti, Chixa, Chala, Argveti, Gorisa, Sairxe, Koreti, Jalaurta, Korbouli, Chalovani and Merjevi. There are 54866 inhabitant in the municipality and many of them are Georgian, only few of  them are Osstian, Russian and Jewish.

The relief of Sachkhere Municipality is average and low mountainous. From minerals sulphury water of Kvereti, quartz sand and marble are considerable. The major rivers are: Kvirila and Dzirula. The tributary rivers of Kvirila are : Jruchula, Chixura, Shusha, Xaxietiwater, Shukakidzisgele, Lashura and Izvara. The tributary of Dzirula are: Dumala, Chxerimela and Xelmosula.

The municipality of Sachkhere is rich with historical and touristic objects. There are 127 touristical monuments and one of them -  Jruchi monastery – has international significance, 26 – republic and 100 has local significance.  There are museums in the munisipaliti : Akaki Tsereteli state museum in Sxvitori, Akaki Tsereteli countryseat in Savane, Paolo Iashvili Memorial House in Argveti,  Muxran  Machavariani memorial House  in Argveti, Aqademician Kostantine and artist Soso Wereteli  museum in Kalvata, Museum of regional studies in Koreti and ethnographic museum “saweretlo” in Sachkhere. Sachkhere is olso rich with ancient and recently constructed churches. They are jruchis Monastery in Cxomareti, wich is built in X-XI century, saint Mary’s  church in Exvevi  - XI   century, Saint Sameba church in Bajiti – XI century, Saint George church in Savane – X century, Sait  Nino Cathedral  in Sachxere –XX century, Middle Ages Saint Mary’s church in Chikha, Saint Sameba church in Chikha – XI century, All saint church in Drbo – XI century and etc. there is 17 century fortress Modinaxe in Sachxere. An archaeologist Jurxa Nadiradze confirmation existence civilization in Sachxere in IV century B.S. , as he had archaeological dig.



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