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The village of Gvankiti in Terjola Municipality was closed from 06:00

24 April, 2020
The village of Gvankiti in Terjola Municipality was closed from 06:00. 5 block checkpoints have been arranged, from which the area is controlled and the population is not allowed to leave Gvankiti, these measures are related to the increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus in the village.
"Yesterday, 4 more people were confirmed to be infected by coronavirus. In fact, they have gone through a crisis phase, but it is risky to have contact with the population and, of course, we have taken them to the Infectious Diseases Hospital. Earlier, 6 people were infected and a total of 10 people were confirmed to be infected in this village, of which 8 were antibody-positive and 2 were gold-standard. In fact, 10 infected people in one village are already a big risk, “said Zviad Shalamberidze, State Representative in Imereti.
In a few hours, a group of epidemiologists from the National Center for Disease Control will arrive in the village and a mass thermal screening will begin.
State Representative in Imereti Zviad Shalamberidze is on the spot, he is acquainted with the current situation and the process of arranging the block-checkpoints together with the representatives of the law enforcement since the morning.
705 families - 2438 people live in the village of Gvankiti.



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