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State Representative in Imereti visited the citizens in the quarantine zone

12 March, 2020

State Representative in Imereti Zviad Shalamberidze visited citizens placed in one of the quarantine zones, which were transferred there on March 10, after returning from a special flight from Italy.

Zviad Shalamberidze talked to them and get acquainted with the conditions there.

"On the instruction of the Prime Minister, I have under personal control quarantine zone where we have deployed our citizens. The team of epidemiologists is on duty for 24 hours. The state is doing its best to make our citizens stay here comfortable for the next two weeks. I have spoken to some of them personally and I can tell you that these conditions are really acceptable for them, this standard fully meets the requirements of our Ministry of Health and all conditions are in line with the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, "said Zviad Shalamberidze.

According to one of the citizens in the quarantine zone, they are satisfied with the conditions in the sanatorium. "They brought us straight from the airport and we are isolated, we are not going outside. We are quite happy with the conditions, both with room and with meals. Medical exams have already started today, we are checking body temperature twice a day. Today State Representative in Imereti Zviad Shalamberidze visited us and offered all kinds of support, if we need anything we can bother at any time, "- said the citizen.





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